The TME-EMT project
Explicit results on exponential sums
Collecting references:
1. Bounds with the first derivative
We start with the Kusmin-Landau Lemma.
Let $f$ be a function over $[a, b]$ such that $f^\prime$ is monotonic
and satisfies $\theta \le f^\prime(u)\le 1-\theta$ for some $\theta
\in(0,1/2]$. Then
\biggl|\sum_{a\le n\le b} e(f(n))\biggr|
\cot\frac{\pi\theta}{2}\le \frac{2}{\pi \theta}.
2. Bounds with the second derivative
Here is a corrected version of Lemma 3 of
see Lemma 2.3 of
Theorem (2004)
Let $f$ be a real-valued function with two continuous derivatives
on $[N+1, N+L]$. Suppose there are $W > 1$ and $\lambda > 1$ such
that $1 \le W |f^{\prime\prime}(x)| \le \lambda$ for every $x\in [N+1,
N+L]$. Then we have
\biggl|\sum_{n= N+1}^{N+L}
\exp( 2i\pi f(n)) \biggr|
\le 2\biggl(\frac{L \lambda}{W} +2\biggr)
\biggl(2\sqrt{\frac{W}{\pi}} + 1\biggr).
3. Bounds with the third derivative
Here is Lemma 1.2 of
See Lemma 2.3
Theorem (2016)
Let $f$ be a real-valued function with three continuous derivatives
on $[N+1, N+L]$. Suppose there are $W > 1$ and $\lambda > 1$ such
that $1 \le W |f^{\prime\prime\prime}(x)| \le \lambda$ for every $x\in [N+1,
N+L]$. Then, for any $\eta > 0$, we have
\biggl|\sum_{n= N+1}^{N+L}
\exp( 2i\pi f(n)) \biggr|^2
\le (LW^{-1/3} +\eta) (\alpha L + \beta W^{2/3})
\alpha = \frac{1}{\eta} +\frac{64\lambda}{75}
\sqrt{\eta + W^{-1/3}}+\frac{\lambda\eta}{W^{1/3}}
\beta = \frac{65}{15\sqrt{\eta}} + \frac{3}{W^{1/3}}.
4. Bounds with higher derivatives
See Lemma 3.1 and 3.2 of
5. Iterated Van der Corput Inequality
During the proof of Lemma 8.6 in
one finds the next inequality.
Theorem (1996)
Let $f$ be a real-valued function with $k+1$ continuous derivatives
on $(A, B]$ and let $N$ be a lower bound for the number of integers
in $(A,B]$. The quantity
\sum_{A < n\le B} \exp(2 i \pi f(n))\biggr|^{2^k}
is bounded above by
\frac{1}{Q} + \frac{1}{Q^{2-2^{1-k}}}
\sum_{r_1 =1}^{Q2^{-0}}
\sum_{r_2 =1}^{Q2^{-1}}
\sum_{r_k =1}^{Q2^{-k+1}}
\sum_{A < n \le B-r_1-r_2-\cdots-r_k}
\exp(\pm 2i\pi f_{r_1,\cdots,r_k}(n))
where the function $f_{r_1,\cdots,r_k}$ satisfies
\forall t,\ \exists y\in[t, t + r_1 + \cdots + r_k],
f^{\prime}_{r_1,\cdots, r_k}(t) = r_1r_2\cdots r_k f^{(k+1)}(y).
6. Explicit Poisson Formula
Here is a consequence of the main theorem of
Theorem (2007)
Suppose $f^\prime$ is decreasing on $[N+1,N+L]$ and set
$f^\prime(N+L)=\alpha$ and $f^\prime(N) = \beta$.
For integer $\nu\in(\alpha, \beta]$, let $x_\nu$ be the solution
to $f^\prime(x)=\nu$. Suppose further that
$\lambda_2\le |f^{\prime\prime}(x)|\le h_2\lambda_2$ and
$\lambda_3\le |f^{\prime\prime\prime}(x)|\le h_3\lambda_3$. Then
\sum_{n=N+1}^{N+L} \exp(2i\pi f(n))
\sum_{\alpha < \nu\le \beta}
\frac{\exp(2i\pi (f(x_\nu)-\nu x_\nu-1/8))}{\sqrt{f^{\prime\prime}(x_\nu)}}
\le \frac{40}{\sqrt{\pi}}\lambda^{-1/2}
+ \frac{3+2h_2}{\pi} \log(\beta-\alpha+2)
+ 2.9 h_2h_3^{1/5}L(\lambda_2\lambda_3)^{1/5}
Last updated on July 12th, 2023, by Olivier Ramaré