The TME-EMT project
Bounds for $|\zeta(s)|$, $|L(s,\chi)|$ and related questions
Collecting references:
1. Approximating $|\zeta(s)|$ or $L$-series in the
critical strip
extends the
Phd memoir
and provides an explicit Riemann-Siegel formula for $\zeta(s)$.
Theorem 1.2 of
proves the following.
Theorem (2013)
When $t > t_0 > 0$, $c > 1/(2\pi)$ and $s = \sigma +it$ with
$\sigma\ge 1/2$, we have
=\sum_{n < c t} \frac{1}{n^s}
+ \mathcal{O}^* \biggl(
\biggl(\frac{\pi}{12c}+1+\frac{1}{2\pi c-1}\biggr)
Notice that, by using the constant $c$, we may deduce from this an
approximation of $\zeta(s)$ by a fixed Dirichlet polynomial when $T
\le t\le 2T$, for some parameter $T$.
2. Size of $|\zeta(s)|$ and of $L$-series
Theorem 4 of gives
the convexity bound. See also section 4.1 of .
Theorem (1959)
In the strip $-\eta\le \sigma\le 1+\eta$, $0 < \eta\le 1/2$, the Dedekind zeta
function $\zeta_K(s)$ belonging to the algebraic number field $K$ of degree
$n$ and discriminant $d$ satisfies the inequality
|\zeta_K(s)|\le 3 \left|\frac{1+s}{1-s}\right|
On the line $\Re s=1/2$, Lemma 2 of
gives a better
result, namely
Theorem (1970)
If $t\ge 1/5$, we have
|\zeta(\tfrac12+it)|\le 4 (t/(2\pi))^{1/4}
In fact, Lehman states this Theorem for $t\ge 64/(2\pi)$, but modern means of
computations makes it easy to check that it holds as soon as $t\ge 0.2$.
See also equation (56)
of reproduced below.
For Dirichlet $L$-series, Theorem 3
of gives
the corresponding convexity bound.
Theorem (1959)
In the strip $-\eta\le \sigma\le 1+\eta$, $0 < \eta\le 1/2$, for all moduli $q
> 1$ and all primitive
characters $\chi$ modulo $q$, the inequality
This paper contains other similar convexity bounds.
Corollary to Theorem 3
of goes beyond convexity.
Theorem (2001)
For $0\le t\le e$, we have $|\zeta(\tfrac12+it)|\le 2.657$. For $t\ge e$, we
have $|\zeta(\tfrac12+it)|\le 3t^{1/6}\log t$.
Section 5 of
shows that one can replace the constant 3 by 2.38.
This is improved in
Theorem (2016)
When $t\ge 3$, we
have $|\zeta(\tfrac12+it)|\le 0.63t^{1/6}\log t$.
Concerning $L$-series, the situation is more difficult but
manages, among other and more precise results, to prove the following.
Theorem (2016)
Assume $\chi$ is a primitive Dirichlet character modulo $q>1$. Assume
further that $q$ is a sixth power. Then, when $|t|\ge 200$, we
$$|L(\tfrac12+it,\chi)|\le 9.05d(q) (q|t|)^{1/6}(\log
where $d(q)$ is the number of divisors of $q$.
It is often useful to have a representation of the Riemann zeta function
or of $L$-series inside the critical strip. In the case of $L$-series,
proceed via decomposition in Hurwitz zeta function which they compute through
an Euler-MacLaurin development. We have a more efficient approximation of the
Riemann zeta function provided by the Riemann Siegel formula, see
for instance equations (3-2)--(3.3)
of . This
expression is due to
See also
equations (2.4)-(2.5) of
, a corrected
version of Theorem 2 of .
In general, we have the following estimate taken from equations
(53)-(54), (56) and (76)
(see also ).
Theorem (1918)
- When $t\ge 50$ and $\sigma\ge1$, we have $|\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le \log
- When $t\ge 50$ and $0\le \sigma\le1$, we have $|\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le
\frac{t^2}{t^2-4}\left(\frac{t}{2\pi}\right)^{\frac{1-\sigma}{2}}\log t$.
- When $t\ge 50$ and $-1/2\le \sigma\le0$, we have $|\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le
\left(\frac{t}{2\pi}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}-\sigma}\log t$.
On the line $\Re s=1$,
establishes the next result.
Theorem (2012)
When $t\ge 3$, we have $|\zeta(1+it)|\le\tfrac34 \log t$.
The paper
proves the next bound.
Theorem (2022)
When $t\ge 3$, we have
|\zeta(1+it)|\le\min\bigl(\tfrac34 \log t,
\tfrac12\log t + 1.93, \tfrac15 \log t + 44.02\bigr).
Asymptotically better bounds are available since the huge work of
Theorem (2002)
When $t\ge 3$ and $1/2\le \sigma\le 1$, we have $|\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le 76.2
t^{4.45(1-\sigma)^{3/2} } (\log t)^{2/3}$.
The constants are still too large for this result to be of use in any decent
region. See for an
earlier estimate.
3. On the total number of zeroes
The first explicit estimate for the number of zeros of the Riemann
$\zeta$-function goes back to
An elegant consequence of the result of Backlund is the following easy
estimate taken from Lemma 1 of
Theorem (1966)
If $\varphi$ is a continuous function which is positive and monotone
decreasing for $2\pi e\le T_1\le t\le T_2$, then
\sum_{T_1 < \gamma\le T_2} \varphi(\gamma)
where the summation is over all zeros of the Riemann
$\zeta$-function of
imaginary part between $T_1$ and $T_2$, with multiplicity.
Theorem 19 of
gives a bound for the total number of zeroes.
Theorem (1941)
For $T\ge2$, we have
N(T)=\sum_{\substack{\rho,\\ 0 < \gamma\le T}} 1=
+O^*\Bigl(0.137\log T+0.443\log\log T+1.588
where the summation is over all zeros of the Riemann
$\zeta$-function of
imaginary part between 0 and $T$, with multiplicity.
It is noted in Lemma 1 of
that the $O$-term can be replaced by the simpler
$O^*(0.67\log\frac{T}{2\pi})$ when $T\ge 10^3$.
This is improved in Corollary 1 of
Theorem (2014)
For $T\ge e$, we have
N(T)=\sum_{\substack{\rho,\\ 0 < \gamma\le T}} 1=
+O^*\bigl(0.112\log T+0.278\log\log T+2.510+\frac{1}{5T}
where the summation is over all zeros of the Riemann
$\zeta$-function of
imaginary part between 0 and $T$, with multiplicity.
Corollary 1.4 of the main theorem of
Theorem (2022)
For $T\ge e$, we have
N(T)=\sum_{\substack{\rho,\\ 0 < \gamma\le T}} 1=
+O^*\bigl(0.1038\log T+0.2573\log\log T+9.3675
where the summation is over all zeros of the Riemann
$\zeta$-function of
imaginary part between 0 and $T$, with multiplicity.
We may also replace $0.1038\log
T+0.2573\log\log T+9.3675$ by $0.1095\log T+0.2042\log\log T+3.0305$.
Concerning Dirichlet $L$-functions, the paper
contains the next result.
Theorem (2021)
Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character of conductor $q > 1$.
For $T\ge 5/7$ and $\ell= \log\frac{q(T+2)}{2\pi} > 1.567$, we have
N(T,\chi)=\sum_{\substack{\rho,\\ 0 < \gamma\le T}} 1=
where the summation is over all zeros of the Dirichlet
function $L(\cdot,\chi)$ of
imaginary part between $-T$ and $T$, with multiplicity.
In Theorem 1.4 of
we find the next result.
Theorem (2013)
When $0.5208 < \sigma < 0.9723$ and $10^3\le H \le 10^{10}$,
we have, for any $T\ge H$,
\int_H^T |\zeta(\sigma + t)|^2 dt
(T-H) \bigl(\zeta(2\sigma) +
\mathcal{E}_1(\sigma, H)\bigr)
where $\mathcal{E}_1(\sigma, H)$ is a small error term whose
precise expression in given the stated paper.
We can find in
the proof
of the following estimate. Though it is unpublished yet, the full proof
is available.
Theorem (2019)
Let $0 < \sigma\le1$ and $T \ge 3$. Then
&\text{when $\sigma > 1/2$,}\\
\frac{\log T}{2T}+\frac{c^\flat_{2,\sigma}}{T}
&\text{when $\sigma=1/2$,}\\
c_{3,\sigma}/T^{2\sigma}&\text{when $\sigma < 1/2$.}
c_{1,\sigma}^\flat=c^2 \frac{3^{2\sigma}}{2\sigma},
c_{2,\sigma}^\flat=3c^2+\frac{1-\log 3}{2},
&\text{when $1/2\le \sigma\le 1$,}\\
\frac{(1+\sigma)^2}{\left(1-\frac{(1+\sigma)^2}{\sigma T^2}\right)^2}
&\text{when $0 < \sigma < 1/2$.}
5. Bounds on the real line
After some estimates
from ,
Lemma 5.1 of shows
the following.
Theorem (2013)
When $\sigma> 1$ and $t$ is any real number, we have $|\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le e^{\gamma(\sigma-1) }/(\sigma-1)$.
Here is the Theorem of
See also Lemma 2.3 of
for a
slightly weaker version.
Theorem (1987)
When $\sigma> 1$ and $t$ is any real number, we have
Last updated on July 12th, 2023, by Olivier Ramaré