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Size of $L(1,\chi)$

Collecting references: ,
1. Upper bounds for $|L(1,\chi)|$
, , , . ,
Theorem (2001)
For any primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $q$, we have $$ |L(1,\chi)|\le\tfrac12\log q + \begin{cases} 0&\text{when $\chi$ is even (i.e. $\chi(-1)=1$),}\\ \tfrac52-\log 6&\text{when $\chi$ is odd (i.e. $\chi(-1)=-1$).} \end{cases} $$
When the conductor $q$ is even, this may be improved.
Theorem (2001)
For any primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of even conductor $q$, we have $$ |L(1,\chi)|\le\tfrac14\log q + \begin{cases} \tfrac12\log 2&\text{when $\chi$ is even (i.e. $\chi(-1)=1$),}\\ \tfrac54-\tfrac12\log 3&\text{when $\chi$ is odd (i.e. $\chi(-1)=-1$).} \end{cases} $$
Similar bounds or more precise bounds may be found in , in and in ,
In , we find the next result.
Theorem (2013)
For any primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $q$ divisible by 3, we have $$ |L(1,\chi)|\le\tfrac13\log q + \begin{cases} 0.368296&\text{when $\chi$ is even (i.e. $\chi(-1)=1$),}\\ 0.838374&\text{when $\chi$ is odd (i.e. $\chi(-1)=-1$).} \end{cases} $$
In , we find improvement on the $(1/2)\log q$ bound in a very special (and difficult) case.
Theorem (2016)
For any primitive Dirichlet even character $\chi$ of conductor $q$, we have $ |L(1,\chi)|\le\tfrac12\log q - 0.02012 $.
The general upper bounds are improved in as follows.
Theorem (2023)
For any quadratic primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $f\ge 2\cdot 10^{23}$, we have $|L(1,\chi)|\le (1/ 2) \log f$.

Theorem (2023)
For any quadratic primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $f\ge 5\cdot 10^{50}$, we have $|L(1,\chi)|\le (9/ 20) \log f$. When $f$ is even, the lower bound on $f$ may be improved to $f\ge 2\cdot 10^{49}$.
2. Lower bounds for $|L(1,\chi)|$
announces the following lower bound proved in .
Theorem (2013)
For any non-quadratic primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $f$, we have $|L(1,\chi)|\ge 1/ ( 10\log(f/\pi))$.
This is improved in where we find the next bound.
Theorem (2022)
For any non-quadratic primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ of conductor $f$, we have $|L(1,\chi)|\ge 1/ ( 9.69030\log(f/\pi))$.

Last updated on February 7th, 2024, by Olivier Ramaré