The TME-EMT project
Explicit zero-free regions for the $\zeta$ and $L$ functions
1. Numerical verifications of the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis
Numerical verifications of the Riemann hypothesis for the Riemann
$\zeta$-function have been pushed extremely far. B. Riemann himself computed the
first zeros. Concerning more recent published papers, we mention
who proved that
Theorem (1986)
Every zero $\rho$ of $\zeta$ that have a real part between 0 and 1 and
an imaginary part not more, in absolute value, than $\le T_0=545\,439\,823$
are in fact on the critical line, i.e. satisfy $\Re \rho=1/2$.
The bound $545\,439\,823$ is increased to $1\,000\,000\,000$ in
this bound is further increased to
Between these results,
announced that, he and many collaborators proved, using a network method:
Theorem (2002)
$T_0=29\,538\,618\,432$ is admissible in the theorem above.
went one step further
Theorem (2004)
$T_0=2.445\cdot 10^{12}$ is admissible in the theorem above.
These two last announcements have not been subject to any academic papers.
We now have
Theorem (2021)
$T_0=3\cdot 10^{12}$ is admissible in the theorem above.
One of the key ingredient is an explicit Riemann-Siegel formula due to
(the preprint of Gourdon mentionned above gives a version of Gabcke's result)
and such a formula is missing in the case of Dirichlet $L$-function.
Let us introduce some terminology. We say that a modulus $q\ge1$ (i.e. an
integer!) satisfies $GRH(H)$ for some numerical value $H$ when
every zero $\rho$ of the $L$-function associated to a primitive Dirichlet
character of conductor $q$ and whose real part lies within the critical line (i.e. has a
real part lying inside the open interval $(0,1)$) and whose imaginary part is
below, in absolute value, $H$, in fact satisfies $\Re\rho=1/2$.
By employing an Euler-McLaurin formula,
has proved that
Theorem (1993)
- Every $q\le 13$ satisfies $GRH(10\,000)$.
- Every $q$ belonging to one of the sets
- $\{k\le 72\}$
- $\{k\le 112, \text{$k$ non premier}\}$
- $\begin{aligned}\{116, 117, &120, 121, 124, 125, 128, 132, 140,
143, 144, 156, 163, \\ &169, 180, 216, 243, 256, 360, 420, 432\}\end{aligned}$
satisfies $GRH(2\,500)$.
These computations have been extended by
by using Rumely's programm. All these computations have been
superseded by the work of D. Platt.
use two fast Fourier transforms, one in the $t$-aspect and one in the
$q$-aspect, as well as an approximate functionnal equation to prove via
extremely rigorous computations that
Theorem (2011-2013)
Every modulus $q\le 400\,000$ satisfies
We mention here the algorithm of
that enables one to prove efficiently that some $L$-functions have no zero
within the rectangle
$1/2\le \sigma\le1$ et $2\sigma-|t|=1$ though this algorithm has not been put
in practice.
There are much better results concerning real zeros of Dirichlet $L$-functions
associated to real characters.
2. Asymptotical zero-free regions
The first fully explicit zero free region for the Riemann zeta-function is due
to in Lemma 19 (essentially
with $R_0=19$ in the notations below). This is next imporved upon in Theorem 1
by using a device of
essentially $R_0=9.646$).
The next step is in
where the second order term is improved upon, relying on
Next, in
and later in
the following result is proven.
Theorem (2002)
The Riemann $\zeta$-function has no zeros in the region
\Re s \ge 1- \frac1{R_0 \log (| \Im s|+2)}\quad\text{with}\ R_0=5.70175.
improved the value of $R_0$ by showing that $R_0=5.68371$ is admissible.
By plugging a better trigonometric polynomial in the same method,
it is proved in
Theorem (2015)
The Riemann $\zeta$-function has no zeros in the region
\Re s \ge 1- \frac1{R_0 \log (| \Im s|+2)}\quad\text{with}\ R_0=5.573412.
Concerning Dirichlet $L$-function, the first explicit zero-free region has been obtained in
by adaptating
(cf also
improves that into:
Theorem (2002)
The Dirichlet $L$-functions associated to a character of conductor $q$ has
no zero in the region:
\Re s \ge 1- \frac1{R_1 \log(q \max(1,| \Im s|))} \quad\text{with}\
to the exception of at most one of them which would hence be attached to a
real-valued character. This exceptional one would have at most one zero
inside the forbidden region (and which is loosely called a "Siegel zero").
, the next
theorem is proved.
Theorem (2018)
The Dirichlet $L$-functions associated to a character of conductor $q\in[3,400\,000]$ has
no zero in the region:
\Re s \ge 1- \frac1{R_2 \log(q \max(1,| \Im s|))} \quad\text{with}\
Concerning the Vinogradov-Korobov zero-free region,
shows that
Theorem (2001)
The Riemann $\zeta$-function has no zeros in the region
\Re s\ge 1-\frac{1}{58(\log |\Im s|)^{2/3}(\log\log |\Im s|)^{1/3}}
\quad(|\Im s|\ge 3).
Concerning the Dedekind $\zeta$-function, see
After initial work of
here are the latest two best results. We first define
N(\sigma,T,\chi)=\sum_{\substack{\rho=\beta+i\gamma,\\ L(\rho,\chi)=0,\\
\sigma\le \beta, |\gamma|\le T}}1
which thus counts the number of zeroes $\rho$ of $L(s,\chi)$, zeroes
whose real part is denoted by $\beta$ (and assumed to be larger than
$\sigma$), and whose imaginary part in absolute value $\gamma$ is assumed to be
not more than $T$. For the Riemann $\zeta$-function (i.e. when
$\chi=\chi_0$ the principal character modulo~1), it is customary
to count only the zeroes with positive imaginary part. The relevant
number is usually denoted by $N(\sigma,T)$. We have $2N(\sigma,T)=N(\sigma,T,\chi_0)$.
For low values, we start with the main Theorem of
We reproduce only a special case.
Theorem (2013)
Let $T\ge3.061\cdot10^{10}$. We have
2N(17/20,T,\chi_0)\le 0.5561T+0.7586\log T-268 658
where $\chi_0$ is the principal character modulo 1.
See also
Otherwise, here is the result of
Theorem (2016)
For $T\ge2\,000$ and $T\ge Q\ge10$, as well as $\sigma\ge0.52$, we have
\sum_{q\le Q}\frac{q}{\varphi(q)}
\sum_{\chi\mod^* q}N(\sigma,T,\chi)
where $\chi\mod^* q$ denotes a sum over all primitive Dirichlet character
$\chi$ to the modulus $q$. Furthermore, we have
N(\sigma,T,\chi_0)\le 6T\log T
+103(\log T)^2
where $\chi_0$ is the principal character modulo 1.
this result is improved upon, we refer to their paper for their result
by quote a corollary.
For $T\ge1$, we have
11.5\, T^{4/14}\log^{16/5}(T)
where $N(\sigma,T)=N(\sigma,T,\chi_0)$ and $\chi_0$ is the principal character modulo 1.
LMFDB database contains the first zeros
of many $L$-functions. A part of Andrew Odlyzko's
contains extensive tables concerning zeroes of the Riemann zeta function.
Last updated on December 26th, 2022, by Olivier Ramaré