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Explicit bounds for class numbers

Let $K$ be a number field of degree $n\ge2$, signature $(r_1,r_2)$, absolute value of discriminant $d_K$, class number $h_K$, regulator $\mathcal{R}_K$ and $w_K$ the number of roots of unity in $K$. We further denote by $\kappa_K$ the residue at $s=1$ of the Dedekind zeta-function $\zeta_K(s)$ attached to $K$.

Estimating $h_K$ is a long-standing problem in algebraic number theory.
1. Majorising $h_K\mathcal{R}_K$
One of the classic way is the use of the so-called analytic class number formula stating that $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K=\frac{w_K \sqrt{d_K}}{2^{r_1}(2\pi)^{r_2}}\kappa_K $$ and to use Hecke's integral representation of the Dedekind zeta function to bound $\kappa_K$. This is done in and in with additional properties of log-convexity of some functions related to $\zeta_K$ and enabled Louboutin to reach the following bound: $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le\frac{w_K}{2}\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{r_2} \left(\frac{e\log d_K}{4n-4}\right)^{n-1}\sqrt{d_K}. $$ Furthermore, if $\zeta_K(\beta)=0$ for some $\tfrac12\le \beta< 1$, then we have $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le(1-\beta)w_K\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{r_2} \left(\frac{e\log d_K}{4n}\right)^{n}\sqrt{d_K}. $$ When $K$ is abelian, then the residue $\kappa_K$ may be expressed as a product of values at $s=1$ of $L$-functions associated to primitive Dirichlet characters attached to $K$. On using estimates for such $L$-functions from , we get for instance $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le \frac{w_K}{2}\left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{r_2} \left(\frac{\log d_K}{4n-4}+\frac{5-\log 36}{4}\right)^{n-1}\sqrt{d_K}. $$ Note that the constant $\frac14(5-\log 36)=0.354\cdots$ can be improved upon in many cases. For instance, when $K$ is abelian and totally real (i.e. $r_2=0$), a result from implies that the constant may be replaced by 0, so that $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le \left(\frac{\log d_K}{4n-4}\right)^{n-1}\sqrt{d_K}. $$
2. Majorising $h_K$
One may also estimate $h_K$ alone, without any contamination by the regulator since this contamination is often difficult to control, see . In this case, one rather uses explicit bounds for the Piltz-Dirichlet divisor functions $\tau_n$ (see and ) and get $$ h_K\le \frac{M_K}{(n-1)!} \left(\frac{\log\bigl(M^2_Kd_K\bigr)}{2}+n-2\right)^{n-1} \sqrt{d_K} $$ as soon as $$ n\ge 3,\quad d_K\ge 139 M_K^{-2} \quad\text{where}\quad M_K=(4/\pi)^{r_2}n!/n^n. $$ The constant $M_K$ is known as the Minkowski constant of K. In we find the following.
Theorem (2021)
Ler $K$ be a quartic number field with class number $h_K$ and Minkowski bound $b$. Then if $b\ge 193$, we have $h_K\le (1/3) x(\log x)^3$.
3. Using the influence of small primes
It is explained in how the behavior of certain small primes may subtantially improve on the previous bounds. To make things more significant, define, for a rational prime $p$, $$ \Pi_K(p)=\prod_{\mathfrak{p}|p}\left(1-\frac{1}{\mathcal{N}_K(\mathfrak{p})}\right)^{-1}. $$ From , we have among other things $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le\frac{w_K}{2} \left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{r_2} \frac{\Pi_K(2)}{\Pi_{\mathbb{Q}}(2)^n} \left(\frac{e\log d_K}{4n-4}\times e^{n\log 4/\log d_K} \right)^{n-1}\sqrt{d_K} $$ where $K$ is any number field of degree $n\ge3$. In particular, when $2$ is inert in $K$, then $$ h_K\mathcal{R}_K \le\frac{w_K}{2(2^n-1)} \left(\frac{2}{\pi}\right)^{r_2} \left(\frac{e\log d_K}{4n-4}\times e^{n\log 4/\log d_K} \right)^{n-1}\sqrt{d_K}. $$
4. The $h^-_K$ of CM-fields
Let $K$ be here a CM-field of degree $2n > 2$, i.e. a totally complex quadratic extension $K$ of its maximal totally real subfield $K^+$. it is well known that $h_{K^+}$ divides $h_K$. The quotient is denoted by $h^-_K$ and is called the relative class number of $K$. The analytic class number formula yields $$ h^-_K=\frac{Q_Kw_K}{(2\pi)^n} \left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2} \frac{\kappa_K}{\kappa_{K^+}} = \frac{Q_Kw_K}{(2\pi)^n} \left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2} L(1,\chi) $$ where $\chi$ is the quadratic character of degree 1 attached to the extension $K/K^+$ and $Q_K\in\{1,2\}$ is the Hasse unit index of $K$. Here are three results originating in this formula. From :
Theorem (2000)
We have $$ h^-_K \le 2Q_Kw_K\left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2} \left( \frac{e\log(d_K/d_{K^+})}{4\pi n} \right)^n. $$
From :
Theorem (2003)
Assume that $(\zeta_K/\zeta_{K^+})(\sigma)\ge0$ whenever $0 < \sigma < 1$. Then we have $$ h^-_K \ge \frac{Q_Kw_K}{\pi e \log d_K} \left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2} \left( \frac{n-1}{\pi e\log d_K} \right)^{n-1}. $$
Again from :
Theorem (2003)
Let $c=6-4\sqrt{2}=0.3431\cdots$. Assume that $d_K\ge 2800^n$ and that either $K$ does not contain any imaginary quadratic subfield, or that the real zeros in the range $1-\frac{c}{\log d_N}\le \sigma < 1$ of the Dedekind zeta-functions of the imaginary quadratic subfields of $K$ are nor zeros of $\zeta_K(s)$, where $N$ is the normal closure of $K$. Then we have $$ h^-_K \ge \frac{cQ_Kw_K}{4ne^{c/2}[N:\mathbb{Q}]} \left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2} \left( \frac{n}{\pi e\log d_K} \right)^{n}. $$
And a third result from :
Theorem (2003)
Assume $n > 2$, $d_K > 2800^n$ and that $K$ contains an imaginary quadratic subfield $F$ such that $\zeta_F(\beta)=\zeta_K(\beta)=0$ for some $\beta$ satisfying $1-\frac{2}{\log d_K}\le \beta < 1$. Then we have $$ h^-_K \ge \frac{6}{(\pi e)^2} \left(\frac{d_K}{d_{K^+}}\right)^{1/2-1/n} \left( \frac{n}{\pi e\log d_K} \right)^{n-1}. $$

Last updated on August 23rd, 2012, by Olivier Bordellès