The TME-EMT project
Primitive Roots
As a consequence of
we find the next result.
Theorem (2020)
The least primitive root $g(p)$ modulo the prime $p$ satisfies
$g(p)\le p^{5/8}$ when $p\ge 10^{22}$ and $g(p) < \sqrt{p}-2$ when
$p\ge 10^{56}$.
we also have:
Theorem (2016)
Under GRH, the least primitive root $g(p)$ modulo the prime $p$ satisfies
$g(p) < \sqrt{p}-2$ for every $p > 409$.
Similar investigations concerning primivite roots modulo $p^2$ are led
and in
where the next theorem is proved.
Theorem (2022)
The least primitive root $h(p)$ modulo $p^2$ satisfies
$h(p)\le p^{0.74}$ for all $p \ge 2$.
Last updated on February 7th, 2024, by Olivier Ramaré